As for implementing this idea into the real life I know it
is possible. Finding the right designers and chocolatiers would be a challenge
but there are some experimental pastry chefs that love to try out new flavors
of chocolate. With that alone we can also introduce a new upcoming pastry chef
included in our brochure. Shedding light on new upcoming talent in the culinary
world as well as shedding light onto new designers ( those who would design the
box under our label ). This company will have it's roots on diversity and
trying new things. Why not bring new talent that we believe in to our product. Advertising that displays the product's superiority over
competing brands or guarantees can also help relieve the possible dissonance of
someone who has already bought the product. Lamb, Charles W. MKTG. Toronto:
Nelson Education, 2009. Print. Page 96. After we bring the product
together we will also team up with videographers, photographers and models (all
upcoming) and create a fabulous product with an undeniable burst of new talent
and creativity. Working together great things can happen such as LUXX
This collaborative chocolate experience can be a part of your
life as well! Under our INTERNSHIP tab we will give you a chance to submit your
work to us to see if you can be included in our next upcoming design. Brand
loyalty, a consistent preference for one brand over all others, is quite high
in some product categories. More than half the
consumers in product categories such as cigarettes, mayonnaise, toothpaste,
coffee, headache remedies, bath soap, and ketchup are loyal to one brand. Lamb,
Charles W. MKTG. Toronto: Nelson Education, 2009. Print. Page 181. By
doing this it makes the product more personal and rare as the boxes are not
produced a second time. The funding for this project will come from a variety
of sources as the box will be a product of everyone that put their work and effort
in. Everyone working on the box will be included in the pamphlet and on our
YouTube channel. From this product we create a creative collection all in the
name of sweet chocolates!